Monthly Archives: December 2009

Dec 2009: The Energy Bus

The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy, by Jon Gordon, 2007.

This is an engaging fable that is packed with wisdom about how to take back the positive energy that we all need to stay healthy and happy in both our professional and personal lives.

Gordon tells us the tale of a guy named George who is forced to take the bus to work one day, and therein begins the journey of his life. The story teaches us the 10 rules for bringing back some of our long-forgotten but delicious and infectious energy into our lives. Gordon’s insight about the role of energy in inspirational leadership is especially helpful in these turbulent times.

I love his flip of the traditional CEO role in an organization – it is now the Chief Energy Officer.

Give yourself the gift of this book: another route to adding joyful energy to your work and your day.

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December Tip: Create Positive Energy

Create Positive Energy in Your Life, Starting Today

You have a choice each and every morning. Along with deciding between eggs & bacon or cereal for breakfast, you are deciding how you are going to meet the challenges of the day – with dread and a grey cloud over your head or with a spring to your step and a bit of curiosity?

Low energy and a pessimistic attitude can become a habit that sneaks up on you. I would challenge all of us in the new year to consciously shift our thinking, being and doing to a more positive proactive energy. Here’s how . . .

Take a blank piece of paper and draw a T chart. On the left side create a column for your Energy Boosters and on the right side create a column for your Energy Drainers. Now watch yourself for several days and list what you observe and feel. What gives you energy? What drains your energy? And, are you willing to do something about it?

  • Energy Boosters – List people, activities, things that give you energy.
  • Energy Drainers – List people, activities, things that sap your energy, pull you down.
  • Take Control – List what you are willing to do to create the life you want in 2010.
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