It doesn’t move. It just sits there day after day. That’s the paper pile sitting on the corner of my desk here at home. I’m not too sure what’s in it but hopefully nothing too important. It’s clutter taking up space. And when I do glance over at it, the “shoulds” start right away. I really “should”sort it out. I “should” just take care of it once and for all. But I just as quickly talk myself out of it because there are always more pressing “shoulds” to take care of that are more fun.
Drains My Energy
It was an “ahah” moment when someone suggested that piles of clutter actually drain our energy. I had never thought of it in that way. But it makes perfect sense. And the more I looked at the paper clutter, closet clutter, kids’ clutter, dog clutter etc. I felt my energy being drained away. All those “shoulds” seemed overwhelming and where would I put things anyway.
One Pile at A Time
But tonight the college kids are up at the lake and the house is quiet. So in a moment of frenzy I tackled that paper pile, sorting and tossing like a madwoman. It was done in about 45 minutes. I even cleaned the top of the desk, sorted out one of the desk drawers and glanced at the bills. Did the open space create some energy – it sure did. I’m always a bit amazed but it actually does make a big difference. You can see what you have and you’ve tossed anything outdated and unnecessary. There is a noticeable uptake of energy and focus. It feels good and I always tell myself just one pile at a time. So tomorrow will be another pile. It’s worth it and I may find a treasure at the bottom like an uncashed check. You never know . . . try it!
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