Monthly Archives: September 2009

September: Bulletproof Your Job

Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Simple Strategies to Ride Out the Rough Times and Come Out on Top at Work, by Stephen Viscusi. 2008.

I picked up this book in the Reno airport on my way to enjoy that long summer vacation and was pleasantly surprised at how readable and helpful I found Viscusi’s suggestions.

As an executive job search expert, Viscusi knows what it takes in the hard, cold reality of today’s work world to avoid that speeding bullet of the layoff notice.

So, whether you work for someone else or have your own business as I do, this book is stuffed with concrete practical actions that you can take today to ensure that you are the “indispensable employee” that the company most needs during these difficult economic times.

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September Tip: Work on Job Security

Work on Your Job and Business Security Every Day

You have more control over your job security than you think. Not all of it – many of these lay-offs have been so massive that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or haven’t done, you’re still on the list.

But now that things are settling down, you are wise to take stock of your current employment situation and if you want to keep this job (and that can be a good question), then there are some simple but very effective actions you can take each day to protect your job.

Here are the first three of my favorite tips…. Watch for the next four in October.

  • Be Visible Every Day. Show up and step up. Be the person folks know (because they see you regularly) and the person known for your willingness to stretch and learn.
  • Be Available to Others. Answer your voice mail and emails promptly. Help out if you can and especially if it strengthens your relationships and reputation within your company.
  • Be Easy to Work With. Don’t give folks a hard time! Do an attitude check. Always be the person that others want to work with – the one that others gravitate towards.

And try this . . . put a post-it up close to your computer with these tips and mentally check off if you are doing these each and every day.

For example, yesterday I joined the Sparks Chamber of Commerce and signed up for the NNHRA Diversity Conference. These are two great ways to continue to be visible to folks who can bring work my way and it’s fun to boot.


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