Job Interviews: What To Do After

With a delicious sense of accomplishment, you leave the interview ready to celebrate making it through yet-another interview.  It’s been exciting but also exhausting.  And you’re ready to meet some friends for a glass of wine and tell them the story of how the interview went – especially if it’s for a position you really want.

But wait . . . there’s one more step to take.  And that’s a short “performance-based” followup email and a handwritten thank you note.  Sounds like a lot of work when you’re emotionally you’re ready to relax?  Well, this extra step can (and often does) make the difference in how you are remembered and considered for the position.

Your Follow-Up Email Reinforces Impression

First, send a short email to the individual (or individuals) that interviewed you expressing your appreciation for the interview and covering these three points:

  • Your understanding of the needs of the organization/priorities
  • How you can bring unique value to the organization/ie. meet those needs
  • Your confidence that you would be a good fit for the position & organization

And then don’t forget to express your interest in being hired. Amazing how many people never say that either in the interview or in the follow-up written correspondence.  If you want the job, tell them!

Your Handwritten Note – Icing on the Cake

Second, sit down and write a short, short thank you note on a nice card saying simply thank you for the interview, you feel you would be a good fit and you’re looking forward to hearing from them soon.  Just like our mothers used to make us do . . . it’s a habit that sets you apart from the pack.  And that thank you note always brings a smile because so few people take the time to say a personal thanks.

And . . . think of this.  If they offer the position to someone else who then turns it down (happens all the time) and they are looking at an alternate and they see your note sitting on their desk . . . we always want to stay in front of the decision makers continuing to build a positive relationship.  Try it!


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