Recently, I had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker for the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) annual membership dinner. It was held at IGT here in Reno and was beautifully organized by Kristy Holbrook and her committee. As I got to know both the members and guests before the dinner I was reminded how much fun these meetings really are. People from all over come together to relax, laugh and enjoy getting to know each other. And a lot of business is getting done at the same time. Here’s how . . .
Benefits to Your Career
There are three primary benefits to joining and actively participating in these groups. First, are the friendships you will develop over the years. Second, as you get to know others and they learn about you opportunities to share referrals will naturally develop. And third, you will learn about what is going on in your field – what’s emerging, who’s who and how you can fit in. Yes, there is usually a yearly fee and yes, it takes time each month to attend but the benefits to your personal development are well worth it. Over the years, I have been active in many organizations including the America Society of Training & Development (ASTD); Nevada Professional Coach Association (NPCA); Western Industrial Nevada (WIN) and the Northern Nevada Chamber of Commerce.
Taking a Leadership Role
So look for the associations that you can stretch and grow in. And then challenge yourself by stepping into a leadership role. Every association needs to rotate board positions and the work load. Do your part by volunteering to serve on the board in an area that you can share your experience and expertise actively. You will be advancing your profession and helping others be successful as well. And it’s fun as well!
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