Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Revised Edition), 2003, Richard D. Carson.
This is a powerful book that challenges you to think deeply about your own Gremlins. Carson defines your Gremlin as the narrator in your head. It is the source of all self-defeating behaviors and beliefs.
The Gremlin is constantly there with messages cautioning you with old worries and fears.
The result is that the “natural you” steps aside and lets the messages of “I can’t, I shouldn’t, I wouldn’t” take over. The self-doubts stop you and undermine your confidence and sense of self-worth.
Carson gives excellent suggestions on how to reduce the power of the Gremlin’s influence so that you can step forth into your own power and strength.
In these times, when there are so many defeatist messages in the business arena that we have to deal with, Carson’s message is needed more than ever: keep your core power strong; wrestle those Gremlins down.