Put it out there. Yes, let everyone know what your intentions are for this coming year. Remember working on your vision in December – you got a clear picture in your mind of what you wanted. Your vision is the broad strokes – the big picture.
Your intentions are the concrete actions steps to make that vision a reality.
And by letting others know (shout it out!) you are making a public commitment and ensuring that you become accountable for making it all happen for yourself. My secret . . . . use a 90-day cycle to add a sense of urgency and momentum to your intentions . Here’s how to start . . .
- Divide the 12 months of the year up into 3 month segments (90 days each)
- Chunk up your action steps and assign them to one of the 90 day segments.
- Clarify how each set of action steps will flow & support the next segment.
- Identify what resources you need and how you will access those resources.
- Finally, decide how you will be accountable at the end of each 90 day segment.
So here’s one of my intentions this year – to expand my coaching business by offering more opportunities for people to work with me in a variety of ways and costs. So in that spirit, I’m going to offer something new and different during the firs three months of this year.