Maximum Success with LinkedIn: Dominate Your Market, Build a Global Brand, and Create the Career of Your Dreams, by Dan Sherman, The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, New York, 2013.
If you are a professional at any stage of your career journey you will find this book invaluable. LinkedIn has become the indisputable leader in connecting professionals together to maximize business and career success.
Sherman has a delightful way of writing this easy-to-read book. Each chapter (starting with “Love at First Click”) takes us through how to design our profile so that others can find us easily, know what services we offer, how to contact us and what the final benefits will be in working with us. Pick up this book and read it over the weekend. And then send me an invitation to connect. I always enjoy learning what my colleagues are doing and LinkedIn is the ideal way to do that. It’s easy, free and powerful!